Service Campaign di Kebumen Jawa Tengah Kerjasama Antara PT Karya Bahari Abadi dan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (15-17 September 2021)
Service Campaign event held at TPI Pasir, Kab. Kebumen, Central Java, this event was held in collaboration with PT Karya Bahari Abadi (KBA) with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) on 15-17 September 2021. At this event, counseling was carried out by KKP and KBA including counseling for fishermen, on how to maintain machines and providing services free participant machine.
In the event which was lasted for 3 days and attended by more than 60 users of Yamaha outboard engines, it became a place to share and ask questions about the maintenance and repair of Yamaha outboard motors. Participants were collected from 4 different areas, namely TPI Pasir, TPI Logending, TPI Karangduwur and TPI Argopeni.
The free services provided are spark plug replacement and carburetor cleaning, as well as Yamalube oil distribution. Yamaha mechanics from KBA and local workshops are presented not only to provide free light service but also for consultation by Yamaha outboard engine users.
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Senyum Bahari Senyum Indonesia!