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The regent of Kabupaten OKU Selatan, Ali Martopo B , together with the Department of Culture and Tourism OKU Selatan (South OKU), conducting a test of Yamaha Waverunner VX700.  The waverunner will be utilized to monitor the Ranau Lake area, which is the famous icon of tourism for Kabupaten OKU Selatan. The head of Cultural and Tourism Department of OKU Selatan, Mr. Darmawan, S.E,M.M, as the head of the event organizer for this activity, explain that this event intended to increase the quality and promote any tourism potential at OKU Selatan. Especially the Ranau Lake.

The jet ski trial activities held at Dermaga Banding Agung pier. During his speech for the opening of the event, the regent of OKU Selatan stated that the training and evaluation activity for Yamaha Waverunner jet ski operation is an important aspect of Ranau Lake tourism, and would become an important asset for the community at Ranau Lake area at OKU Selatan.

In this event, were attended by OPD Head, Vice of Police and all his staff,  Camat (sub-regent head) of Banding Agung,  Camat BPRRT, Camat Warkuk, Camat Mekakau Ilir, and all village head of Banding Agung area. Everybody invited is very enthusiast with the event, including the local people, especially the children. The event was made possible because of the support of local Cultural and Tourism Board of OKU Selatan and Banding Agung Regent area.

The government of Kabupaten OKU Selatan only provide the utility in order to support the tourism at Kabupaten OKU Selatan. With these new facilities of Waverunner, the government hopes that it would support local tourism activities in the long run. The government expects the Banding Agung official and local people would be able to maintain and take good care of the provided facilities.

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